Vote for Akicha: Sosenkyo Fund Project (English) | 高城亜樹-あきちゃ-応援活動まとめ


当ブログはAKB48を卒業した高城亜樹さん-a.k.a あきちゃ-を応援する世界各国のファンによる 1)応援活動記録、2)応援のための必要情報をまとめたものです。

This is English translatyion of Indonesia), which is the "Fund" like project for Indonesian fans who wish to vote for Akicha, but having difficulties in getting the ballots, as well as voting by Japanese interface system.


You would like to support Akicha in Sousenkyo this year, but….
-You don’t know how to vote for Akicha in reasonable way
-It costs too much
-You want power vote or extra additional votes without buying CDs
-Even if you get the ballots, you are not sure if you can really vote….

Here is one option!
1. Send your money at ANY amount to Indonesia local bank account.
2. With the money you sent, I get the ballots-with no CD-at online auction in Japan.
for Indonesian fans. At the cheaper rate, as many as possible.
**The current standard price of the ballot at the auction is
3. When the actual vote starts, I help you vote for Akicha

Back ground
There are many Indonesian fans who are willing to support Akicha Soenkyo. Terima Kasih&Arigatou!

-The procedure to get the ballots and voting are all in Japanese
-The standard of price of the ballots frequently changes at the auction
*a couple weeks ago it was about 600 Yen= 57,223.36 IDR, but now 750 Yen= 71,529.20 IDR,
We expect the price will drop again, but not 100% sure, can be more expensive like 1,000 Yen=95,372.27 IDR
-Over money transaction is too complicated and costs a lot….
After discussion with Indonesian fans, with my responsibility, I decided to start this FUND like plan.

Details of procedure

1.Contributor=You transfers the fund to bank account in Indonesia
**You can send the money at any amount, for less than one ballot, for power vote, both are fine.
**Enrico Aryyaguna voluntarily offered me to use his Indonesian local bank account. He will also take a role of fund management.

BANK ACCOUNT you transfer the money is:
Bank Central Asia (BCA) account
Enrico Aryyaguna:
*Please contact him for the bank account number first
*Regular banking account, rupiah only

2. Contributor email me proof of transfer (a serial number of the transaction)
**My e-mail account is :

3. I ask fund for confirmation
**Please put "Akicha Sosenkyo" in subject

4. Fund manager check and inform me about the transaction

5. I confirm the contributor about the transaction through email

6. Fund manager transfer the fund

Then I get the ballots as many as possible at Auction.

B. Voting

I will make bahasa Indonesia version of Graphic tutorial of how to vote, it will be distributed via Twitter, G+, FACEBOOK….etc.
I will vote on behalf of you, to Japanese user interface voting system, together with Japanese Akicha fan volunteers.

C. Post Voting

The result as below are reported and shared with contributers.
Total amount of funds received
Total amount of funds used - broken down by use, for instance
a. voting ballots when the price is 800JPY at certain day
b. voting ballots when the price is 750JPY at certain day
c. voting ballots when the price is 600JPY at certain day
Total number of votes casted

I am a Japanese Akicha fan living in Tokyo. I have been communicating with many Indonesian fans since Akicha and Haruka’s transafer was announced. Some of you know me as…

Twitter account: @akichaIFIJ,
Google+: rbtakumi
Facebook: Akichafij Takumirb Akicha fan in J

Prior to start this plan, I got many advices from both Indonesian and Japanese fans.

*For example, Steven Sakurasi, who does NOT commit the plan and has no responsibility for this, but He knows me well, and knows what I am trying to do…

I (Takumi) is fully responsible for the entire project. I did this with the voluntary help from Enrico and support from other fans in Indonesia and Japan.

So, if you would like to support Akicha Sosenkyo, please contribute to this plan.

-Send your money at any amount to
Bank Central Asia (BCA) account
Enrico Aryyaguna
*Please contact him for the bank account number first
BY May 30th 31st

-Email me at with a serial number of the transaction
**Bahasa Indonesia is OK

Then I promise to get the ballots to vote for Akicha.

If you have any question and suggestion, please feel to contact me at