イスラエルとパレスチナの紛争は土地と水と資源が原因。弥勒菩薩ラエルは全戦争をやめるべきという | 無限への目覚め〜 Becoming Awaken to Infinity, 弥勒菩薩ラエルの教えと共に

無限への目覚め〜 Becoming Awaken to Infinity, 弥勒菩薩ラエルの教えと共に


BLOG'S TITLE: Conflict between Israel & Palestine About Land, Water, & Resources No.1

(英語と日本語[English & Japanese]、日本語[Japanese]

Why US and Israel wants to ban this video..



★ ★ ★


by Anna

Life in Occupied Palestine: Eyewitness Stories & Photos

Hi, my name is Anna and I’m here to tell you about my experiences working with a group called the International Women’s Peace Service, which is based in the West bank, and basically we do two things. First of all, we’re there to document human rights abuses in the region and second of all, we’re there to support nonviolent resistance to the occupation. I’ll be telling more about what this occupation looks like in the presentation,

This is a picture showing Palestine in the spring time. Let’s see how fertile and green the land is.


But, beyond showing how beautiful it is, I actually think this photograph captures what I have come to believe is really at the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict. A lot of people have sort of a perception of this issue as being age-old rivalry between Jews and muslims - something that's been going on for thousands of years, and that will continue for thousands more, because at its heart are these sort of deep religius differences. And, one of the first realizations that I came to, when I got to Palestine was that, for the most part, this really is not a war about religion, but this is a war about land, water, and resources. and I hope that my reasons for coming to those conclusions will be clear in this presentation.
かし、この景色の素晴らしい美しさ以上に、この写真が映し出すものが、私が信じるに至った事が本当にイスラエルとパレスチナ紛争の核心だと言うことを示しているのだと思います。多くの人達がこのイスラエルとパレスチナの問題を長い年月を経た互いに競争しあうイスラエルとイスラム 間の問題であり、それは何千年も続いてきて、これからも更に何千年も続き、それは本質的なある種の深い宗教的な違いが原因となっているからであるという のが一般的な認識になっています。そして、私がパレスチナに来て初めて分かった事の一つは、大部分で実は、これは宗教に関する戦争なのではなく、土地と水と資源に関する戦争なのだということでした。そして、このプレゼンテーションで、私がこの結論に至った理由をはっきりと説明したいと思います。

Now, to get you oriented, here is a map of the middle east. Israel and Palestine are located in the Middle East - that tiny little purple and white sliver there.




(△No.3)Here is a larger version of that map. And beige area in this map indicates the de facto internationally recognized borders of Israel. Pink areas on the right and left are the 2 land massess making up the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967. They are on the left Gaza strip, and on the right, the West Bank. And, I was living in the town in the village of the West Bank, and the photographs and the stories from this presentation are taken from the West Bank. So, as I said, these are known as occupied Palestinian territories. "Occupied", what does that word mean? The purpose of the presentation is to tell you about this occupation.

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■ □ The Occupation/占 領 ■ □
1The Structures
 (1)Restricted Movement: Checkpoints & Roadblocks: soldiers who are only following orders
 (2)Settlements & Outposts
  AEconomic Settlers─US Foreign Aid
  BIdeological Settlers
 (3)The Wall
 (1)Everyday Nonviolent Resistance
 (3)Israeli Activism
1構 造
 (1) 制限される行動: チェックポイントと道路上の障害物 : 命令に従う兵士たち2
 (2)共同社会 & 居住地区
 (4)投 獄
2抵 抗

And the 1st part of my talk : it's just explaining the structures of this occupation. What is that composed of? I'll be talking about restricted movements - checkpoints and roadblocks. I'll be talking about settlements and outposts. I'll be talking about the wall. And, I'll be talking about imprisonment.

Once we have sort of a general understanding about what the system itself looks like, I’ll be talking about how are people reacting, how are people resisting. And, the next part of my talk then will be about resistance. I’ll be talking about everyday nonviolent resistance, I’ll be talking in particular about demonstrations, and I have a section as well on Israeli activism.

I. Structures of the Occuptation
I. 占領の構造

1. Restricted Movement/制限された行動


So, to get started with restricted movement. In the Palestinian territories there are both Palestinians and Israelis living there, but they use different roads. There are Palestinian roads, there are Israeli roads. Palestinian roads tend to be older, often even unusable, like the one you see in this photograph. Israeli roads tend to be more modern, constructed by the Israeli government for Israeli citizens living in these territories, and they might be sort of four lane highways like the one you see in this photograph. Palestinians are not allowed to use the Israeli roads unless they’re able to obtain a kind of permit, in which case they might be able to use, say, a certain section of a certain road. But, in all other cases, the roads are segregated.
れでは、まず制限された行動から話をします。パレスチナ領域では、パレスチナ人とイスラエル人の両方が住んでいますが、彼らは違う道路を使用しています。パレスチナ人用の道路と、イスラエル人用の道路があります。例えば、この写真(No.5)の道路のように、パレスチナ人用の道路は古く、しばしば使えないものさえあります。 イスラエル人用の道路はもっと近代化されていて、これらの領土に住んでいるイスラエル市民のためにイスラエル政府が建設したものです。そして、この写真(△右)のように四車線になっている場合もあります。パレスチナ人は通常イスラエル人用の道路を使用することは許されていませんが、ある種の許可を取得出来る場合があります。しかし、取得出来た場合でも、ある道路の一部分だけしか使用できないかもしれません。それ以外では、全ての道路が分離されています。

Palestinians and Israelis use different colored license plates. Palestinian cars have green and white colored license plates, meanwhile Israeli cars have yellow colored plates. And, this is so easy to see from afar whether the vehicle is carrying Palestinians or Israelis. And, it also makes it easier for the soldiers who are manning the area to monitor who is using which roads. So, for example, here you can see an army jeep pulling over all green and white plated vehicles to the side of the road, meanwhile all yellow plated vehicles are allowed to pass by unhindered on the left.
(△)レスチナ人とイスラエル人は違う色のナンバープレートを使用します。パレスチナ人の車には緑色か白色のプレートが付けてあり、イスラエル人の車は黄色のプレートが付けてあります。そして、これにより、どの車にパレスチナ人、又は、イスラエル人が乗っているのかが遠くからでも区別しやすくなります。 又、誰が道路を使用しているのか監視するために地域に配置されている兵士たちにとっても、容易になります。ですので、例えば、この図(No.6)を見ると、軍隊のジープが緑と白色のプレートの車両の全てを道路の脇に停止させているのがわかります。その一方で、黄色のプレートの車両は全て左側の妨げられていない方を通過することが許されます。

(a) Checkpoint/チェックポイント



(No.7~9)And, this is called a checkpoint. Checkpoints are major institution in the occupation. They are essentially barriers manned by soldiers or border police that are used to control Palestinian pedestrian or vehicular movement.

And, the idea behind a checkpoint is more or less what you might experience at a border crossing, where you go, you stand in line, you show your id, you answer a couple of questions, maybe open up your bag.




Contrary to popular belief, the majority of the checkpoints in the West Bank are not between the West Bank and internationally recognized Israeli borders, but rather within the Palestinian West Bank, most of them between Palestinian towns and villages. (Source: MIFTAH). Road obstacles (including checkpoints, roadblocks, trenches, etc) have slightly decreased since 2009, totaling about 505 today (down from 626) in the West Bank (an area the size of Delaware). Palestinian travel remains almost as difficult as before according to the United Nations.

One of the main differences with checkpoints in the Palestinian territories, as you can see from this map of the permanent checkpoints installed in the West Bank, those little blue things, is that the majority of these checkpoints are not located around the border of the West Bank, but actually the vast majority of them are located internally, within the Palestinian territories, mainly most of them between Palestinian towns and villages.


And, what this means for a Palestinians person who is living, let’s say, just south of Hebron, in the south of the West Bank, who wants to travel, I don’t know, 30 miles north to the city of Bethlehem, which is a little bit more towards Jerusalem, so, 30 miles, that should take a person under normal circumstances like 30-40 minutes, maybe an hour tops. Well, it’s very likely to take that Palestinian person anywhere from 2 hours, to 4 hours, to 8 hours, to maybe even an entire day to travel just those 30 miles just because of the number of times that he or she would be stopped along the way at these check points. Well, this is obviously very frustrating, you know, people are spending hour after hour, day after day at theses checkpoints to get from any one place to another. But, beyond being just sort of a frustration, these checkpoints are extremely disabling to Palestinian daily life, to all aspects of Palestinian daily life. (7:17)
(◀ No.11/12)して、例えば、ウェストバンクの南に位置するヘブロンの南に住んでいている場合を例として考えると、ヘブロンからイェルサレムの方角の方へ少し行ったところにあるベツレヘムの都市に、北方に向かって30マイル(48km)ぐらいの距離を旅したいパレスチナ人がいたとします。これは何を意味するのでしょうか。つまり、48kmというと、通常は30分か40分から最長で一時間ぐらいかかるでしょう。48kmの道のりの途中でこのような数多くのチェックポイントで停止させられるせいで、パレスチナ人がその48kmの旅をするのに、大抵2時間から4時間、8時間、もしかするとまる1日かかってしまう場合もあります。明らかに、これは気の遠くなるような旅になります。パレスチナの人達は、どんな場所からでも、何時間も、何日もこれらのチェックポイントで足止めされてしまい、ようやく別の場所にたどり着くのですが、これは単に失望するだけではなく、これらのチェックポイントのせいで、パレスチナ人達の毎日の生活はあらゆる面において機能しなくなってしまいます。

(◀ No.13)For example, these checkpoints make it very difficult for a Palestinian person to hold a steady job. It’s never clear if it’s going to take you 10 min or 3 hours to commute from your little village to the nearest city.
(◀ No.13)えば、これらのチェックポイントは、パレスチナ人が定職につくことを非常に難しくします。あなたの住む村から一番近い市まで通勤するのに10分かかるのか、3時間かかるのか全く検討がつかないのです。

(◀ No.14)Uh, similarly, attending classes on a regular basis is pretty much impossible. Unless you happen to have a university in your little village, higher education is basically out of the question.
(◀ No.14)た例として、授業に定期的に出席するのも非常に難しいです。あなたが住んでいる小さな村に大学がある場合を除いて、高等教育は基本的に問題外です。
So beyond just being sort of annoyance or burden, these checkpoints prevent Palestinians from earning for living, and from getting education. Beyond that, getting to a marriage, funeral, graduation, going to visit your family, you know, all aspects of daily life are affected. I don't know imagine if you, everytime you wanted to go to work, or to school, or to church, or where else you're going, that you have to go through these series of checkpoints that held you up for 2, 3 hours. How that affect your life? Maybe that gives you sort of a glimpse of how disabling these checkpoints have become to Palestinians just sort of on a daily basis.



(No.15/16)This is the checkpoint outside of the city of Nablus, it's called Huwwara. We were there doing checkpoint watch, where we basically document what's happening at these checkpoints. On this day, the rule was the following: women were allowed through the checkpoint, older men were allowed through the checkpoint, younger boys were also allowed through the checkpoint, but any men between the ages of 15 and 40 weren't, period. It didn't matter where you were coming from, it didn’t matter where you were going, it didn’t matter who you were, it didn’t matter who was on an an emergency, if you were a Palestinian male 15 to 40 years of age you couldn't get home, or to work, or to school, or to the hospital, or where ever you were going.
れがナブラス市の郊外にあるチェックポイントです。フワァラと呼ばれています。私達はそこで、チェックポイントを観察していました。基本的にチェックポイントで何が起きているかを文書で記録していました。 そして、この日のルールは次のようなものでした……女性はチェックポイントを通過することが許され、年老いた男性も許可され、若い少年もチェックポイントを通過するのを許されますが、15才~40才までの男性は一切許されませんでした。彼らがどこから来たのか、彼らがどこへ行くのか、彼らがどこにいたのかなどは全く関係ありませんでした。誰が緊急事態にあるのかも関係ありませんでした。もし、貴方がパレスチナ人の男性で、15才~40才の場合には、家に、仕事に、学校に、病院に、また、その他のどんな場所に行くにしても、その場所に辿り着く事ができなかったのです。

So gathered here are literally hundreds of Palestinian men gathered at the checkpoint in hopes that the rules would change at some point.

(△No.17)At one point, I saw 2 of them go after the side with trash bags, frantically trying to fill them up. And, I asked them, "Why are you suddenly picking up trash?" And, they told me that the soldiers had actually given them trash bags, and told them that they were able to fill up their trash bags with trash. Then, they would be allowed through the checkpoint.


ambulance stopped

soldier checking the ambulance
Health violations are another major issue at these checkpoints and in the occupation in general. Here you can see a Palestinian green and white plated ambulance that's pulling over to the side of the road to allow a yellow plated Israeli vehicle privilege, priority on that road. And, these ambulances will sometimes wait for hours before reaching the checkpoints themselves, and when they get there they're often times not sort of rushed through quickly, but actually held at gunpoint, as you can see in this photograph, and another soldier will go around the back to sort of screen through the back of the ambulance. And, the reasoning given for holding up ambulances often times even longer than average civilian vehicles, is that apparently in the past these ambulances have been used to transport weapons or people wanted by the Israeli government. Well, I've done a little research on the subject and discovered, actually, that there is one documented case of a Palestinian ambulance being abused for these purposes. But even if they were being used for these purposes, even if that was the case, remember that this Palestinian ambulance is traveling from a Palestinian village to a Palestinian city. It's not travelling from the West Bank into Israel. And that is where these checkpoints are located, between Palestinian built up areas, such that in what way is it holding up this ambulance, endangering the lives of the people in the back of it, in what way is it contributing to the safety or the security of the Israeli population, let alone the entire Palestinian population? (11:01)
れらのチェックポイントで、そして、一般的に占領において、健康への侵害・暴力がもう一つの大きな問題となっています。この写真(No.17)の中に写っているパレスチナの緑と白色のプレートの救急車が見えますでしょうか。それは道路脇に停車して黄色のプレートのイスラエルの車両に特権、優先権を与えています。そして、この救急車は時にはチェックポイントに自ら到着するまで数時間も待たなくてはいけません。救急車がチェックポイントに到着した時には、しばしば急いでそこを通り過ぎず、実際には、銃の矛先を突きつけられているのが、この写真(No.18)からもわかりますが、もう一人の兵士が車両の後部に回って後ろのドア越しに中を検査します。そして、救急車を引き止める時間が他の通常の市民の車両よりも長くなってしまうことが頻繁に起きてしまう理由は、明らかにこれらの救急車が武器やイスラエル政府に追われている逃亡者達を搬送する為に利用された事が過去にあったからです。そして、私はこの件について少し調べたのですが、実際には、パレスチナの救急車がこれらの目的のために悪用され書類になったケースが一件だけありました。しかし、その時には、たとえそのような目的で救急車が使用されたとしても、たとえそれが理由だったにしても、この写真に写っているパレスチナの救急車はパレスチナの村からパレスチナ市に向かっているということを覚えておいてほしいです。これはウェストバンクからイスラエルへ入国しようとしているのではありません。つまり、パレスチナの市街地と市街地の間にこのチェックポイントが設置されているのです。 それなのに、一体何故この救急車を停止させ、その後部に乗っている人達の命を危険にさらす必要があるのでしょうか。一体何故、これが全てのパレスチナの人々は言うまでもなく、イスラエルの人々の安全と治安に貢献していると言えるのでしょうか?

This is the checkpoint outside of the village of Deir Ballut, where I spent some time. This checkpoint is open from 7 in the morning till 7 at night. What that means is that if you have any kind of emergency between the hours of 7PM and 7AM, well, you're kind of out of luck. In fact, what happened was that a woman from the village who was 7 months pregnant with twins began to have contractions at 1 o'clock in the morning. Her husband drove her frantically to the checkpoint, which they needed to cross to reach the nearest hospital in the city of Ramallah, one hour away. They got to the checkpoint and the soldiers, who sleep above it came down to meet them, and they were very polite. They said, "Look, the rule is very clear, the Palestinians are not allowed through until 7 in the morning. Please come back at 7." Well, the woman obviously could not wait 6 hours to have her babies, so they argued a bit more. The soldiers, again they were very polite and even apologetic, and they just kept saying the same thing over and over again, they said, “Look, we didn't make the rules, we don't even agree with them, we're just following orders." "We're just following orders.” (12:08)
 実際に何が起きたかというと、妊娠して7ヶ月で双子の赤ちゃんがまだお腹の中にいる村の女性が夜中の一時に陣痛を起こし初めました。彼女の夫は慌てて彼女を車に載せてチェックポイントまでやってきました。彼らはそこでそのチェックポイントを通過して車で1時間かかるラマラー市の最寄りの病院に行かなくてはいけませんでした。彼らはチェックポイントに到着し、そこで寝ていた兵士たちが降りてきました。その兵士たちはとても丁寧にその夫婦にこう言いました ─「いいですか、規則はとてもはっきりとしていますよ、パレスチナ人は朝の7時まではチェックポイントの通過は許されていません。7時に戻ってきてください。」


to be continued...
