HI end-of-year-resolutions!xD | kiko.のブログ



Hi there! :D
ohhh my goodness, winter is really here! ヘ(゚∀゚*)ノ
Tomorrow I'm going to the studio to record Kiso Eigo 2 3月号! funfun
2012年になる前に色々と終えたいことがあって...Kind of like a End of Year Resolution, you know?

Here’s マイ list:
1. Finish 2 books (1. 2. きょうの猫村さん1 ーこの本ダあああいすきです!)
2. Write one love song to Jesus
3. Witness to 2 of my friends
4. Practice guitar or violin every other day! (and learn 5 new chords!)
5. Take 5 more voice lessons (I have one on Wednesday! ukiuki desuX) )
6. Clean my room (アメリカではspring cleaning だけど、日本しきで大掃除したいと思いまーーす!いぇい)
7. Promise to help my friends
8. Buy an ipod... o_o
9. Exercise 10 min a day!
10. ブログにもっと書くこと:)
(p.s. 11. sleep before 2 a.m.!!!!! STARTING TODAYヨ)

さて、これができるかが問題!ってゆうか、勝負!勝つぞー!Yes, KATSUZO-! With Jesus' help:)
みんさんもend-of-year resolutions あるかな? それとも、もう New Years Resolutions 始めたかな?;)

この一年も良い風に絶対終えます! いろんな心配に負けないで。ジーザスに頼って。:) He says "Come to me, all of you who carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls." 大丈夫だよっていってくれるんです:) My number one goal (resolution!) is to keep falling in love with him and his beauty and throw away all that brings me down from that goal.
Hope you're having a beautiful and wonderful day and that you can feel the love of God!
