1月14日に投稿したなう | 僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪

僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪



In the bathroom, I have practiced speaking in English for 25 minutes. Today's topics is about tomorrow and day after tomorrow.
1/14 1:54

@AlexMondbury Thank you for your reply. It is my first experience to reply in English!! I am not good at speaking and hearing...
1/14 2:56

あの名車がソーラーEVに…東京オートサロン(読売新聞) - Y!ニュース http://t.co/KYZ4KNj6 最近、ディアゴスティーニでやってるやつだよね⁇
1/14 2:56

Thanks for your comment. Your understand is correct. If possible, you should actively use English, I think.
1/14 3:01

1/14 3:56

I can not pronounce today's phrase, especially continuous words. In Japanese, to listen to this pronounce
1/14 3:56

I can not pronounce today's phrase, especially continuous words. In Japanese, to listen to this pronunciation seems impossible...
1/14 3:57

I studied Gogakuru(English site) for 25 minutes. Today is friday, I was so tired. Total time is 110 minutes! Very good!
1/14 4:57

1/14 4:57

1/14 4:57

1/14 10:27

1/14 11:29

1/14 12:39

@chisa_gnd そんな事言わないで(T . T)
1/14 13:40