6月28日に投稿したなう | 僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪

僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪



I cannot believe this news!マーク・ウェバー、今季限りでのF1引退とポルシェ加入を発表 【 http://t.co/0e5lviKuq0http://t.co/qzgEr4m3KD #f1jp @F1Gateさんから
6/28 1:36
F1 driver, Mark webber seems to retire F1. Next he moves other category. I like his driving. I respect his opinion.
6/28 1:57
@karismap Hello~^^ My son's name is Raito. Of course Raito means "right". I look forward to his future! How about you?
6/28 1:57
Tomorrow I will go to my office from 12:00pm. However I will join telephone conference in the morning. I should sleep!! #twinglish
6/28 1:57