8月18日に投稿したなう | 僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪

僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪



I couldn't study English today though I came back from trip. So I was so tired that I needed a rest. Tomorrow I start to study! #twinglish
8/18 0:21

This figure shows TOEIC calendar in iPhone APP. Recently I cannot solve the some questions... #twinglish http://t.co/GGCtnBTkjF
8/18 0:41

It is very interesting for me! If I have a chance, I will join this seminar. #twinglishhttps://t.co/LQIr4KiyU2
8/18 0:41

全身の95%を火傷 懸命の治療及ばす 死亡の竹内さん 花火大会事故(産経新聞) - Y!ニュース http://t.co/IQVL8uFcyV This news makes me sad. RIP. #twinglish
8/18 1:22

@karismap Yes. I want my son to play the violin and drive the cart. I hope he likes cars!! #twinglish
8/18 23:26

@sa_ko_ko I am very happy to hear that! Monday is the end of my summer vacation. I will take a rest tomorrow!! #twinglish
8/18 23:46

@gardener_yumiko This flower arrange is so beautiful. I like it very much! What flower do you use in this arrange? #twinglish
8/18 23:47

【楽天市場】86時間限定!ポイント5倍にエントリーしました。2013/8/21 23:59まで[楽天] http://t.co/MDsInUCcie http://t.co/pLQG1PsQYo
8/18 23:47

【楽天市場】シェアリークーポン購入で、全ショップポイント2倍!にエントリーしました。2013/8/19 9:59まで[楽天] http://t.co/L5fClaReww http://t.co/cPqhCQ9Zfo
8/18 23:47