11月17日に投稿したなう | 僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪

僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪



映画『ゼロ・グラビティ』 2013年12月13日公開 http://t.co/qSwFyyrreY I am looking forward to this movie! After that, I would like to watch it! #twinglish
11/17 1:28

I have TOEIC test today. I didn't have enough time to study TOEIC. My target score is 700 over. This is very tough for me. #twinglish
11/17 1:49

I am watching "World Invasion; Battle LA". This movie is very exciting for me. I was going to watch it in the movie theater! #twinglish
11/17 2:09

I arrived at the university to be held TOEIC. This is very small place! I will do my best!
11/17 12:23

I don't know the reason why this cat seems to like me. We ate the burger together! http://t.co/Yvp4SmKVNQ
11/17 13:00

I finished TOEIC test. I may get good score for TOEIC test. I look forward to my score! I am halfway home! #twinglish
11/17 16:36