12月30日に投稿したなう | 僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪

僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪



I have to write many happy new year cards! However I don't write them at all. My wife was writing... I will write tomorrow. #twinglish
12/30 1:09

The security system of my car was something wrong. Until new year, I ask the dealer to fix it! And I will ask them to install DVD system.
12/30 1:29

I am not good at Part7 for TOEIC examination. I need to read rapidly and precisely. This balance is very difficult for me. #twinglish
12/30 1:49

12/30 2:09

12/30 9:49

ミハエル・シューマッハ、スキー中の事故で頭部を負傷 【 http://t.co/0e5lviKuq0http://t.co/c8dp7XnWBn #f1jp @F1Gateさんから I was very surprised at this news...
12/30 10:09

Shall we start my household! Today I will clean the rest room! It is very tough for me! #twinglish
12/30 10:54

I am very sad to hear about Shumi's news. I believe he will be better soon! He is our hero, I pray for him and his family.
12/30 15:12