語録40 | パーサによるトマスの福音書


Closing the Circle: Pursah's Gospel of Thomas and a Course in Miracles

「神の使者」、「不死というあなたの現実」で再生された、トマスの福音書について書かれた「Closing the Circle」の和訳です。




A grapevine has been planted outside of the Father, but since it is not strong, it will be pulled up by its roots and shall pass away.

これは、次の一節で触れているように、エゴの分離の思考体系(「父」の外に植えられたぶどうの木)は、「狂気の前提」に立っているので育たないということを示したコースの言葉と、明らかに類似している。 :


The authority problem is still the only source of conflict, because the ego was made out of the wish of God's Son to father Him. The ego, then, is nothing more than a delusional system in which you made your own father. Make no mistake about this. It sounds insane when it is stated with perfect honesty, but the ego never looks on what it does with perfect honesty. Yet that is its insane premise, which is carefully hidden in the dark cornerstone of its thought system. And either the ego, which you made, is your father, or its whole thought system will not stand.(T-11.in.2:3-8)

 コースは、この問題にいろいろな仕方で触れているが、次の段落は、上の引用と同じように根本的である。 :


Yet in this cloud bank it is easy to see a whole world rising. A solid mountain range, a lake, a city, all rise in your imagination, and from the clouds the messengers of your perception return to you, assuring you that it is there. Figures stand out and move about, actions seem real, and forms appear and shift from loveliness to the grotesque. And back and forth they go, as long as you would play the game of children's make-believe. Yet however long you play it, and regardless of how much imagination you bring to it, you do not confuse it with the world below, nor seek to make it real. (T-18.Ⅸ.7)
