
Recently I have taken notice of two young Japanese commentators.


The first one is Sohei Kamiya. At age 37, he is a politician who has served two terms on the Suita City Council and ran in the lower house election two years ago.



When I clicked Like on his FaceBook page a few days ago, he spotted me right away and introduced my blog on his page.

ケント・ギルバート氏のブログ 慰安婦やGHQについて


彼がYouTubeを使って展開する"CGS"Channnel Grand Strategyは、本当にコンテンツが充実していて、まだほんの一部しか視聴していませんが、今までに見たものはどれも本当に勉強になりました。

His YouTube channel CGS (Channel Grand Strategy) has solid content. I have only watched a small portion, but what I saw was all very informative and insightful.


二人目は、"KAZUYA"こと京本和也さん。1988年生まれということは、まだ26歳ということかな? 私がテレビによく出ていた時代を知らない世代ですね。

The second person is Kazuya Kyomoto, a/k/a KAZUYA. Being born in 1988 makes him 26 years old. That generation doesnt know anything about when I was appearing on television.



He also makes skillful use of FaceBook, with about a three minute program almost every day centered on political issues and problems with Japan, and featuring pleasantly incisive comments about anti-Japanese countries.



The tempo and rhythm of his monologues is great, and the subtitles are right on point. I am impressed with his skill every time I watch one of the programs.

そんなお二人が明日(12/21)の日曜日、19時から江東区文化センターで「KAZUYA xKAMIYA全国ツアーin東京(日程:2014.12.21)」と題して、それぞれの講演とトークセッション、サイン会をやるのだそうです。

At the event KAZUYA x KAMIYA National Tour in Tokyo (2014.12.21), each of them will speak, and then there will be a joint talk session and autograph party, all tomorrow night (Sunday, December 21) at 7 p.m. at the Koto-ku Bunka Center.



実は私、このイベントにとっても行きたかったのです! しかし、ミュージカルの練習が佳境に入っているので、明日はどうしても行けません!東京近郊にお住まいでスケジュールの空いている方はぜひ参加して後で様子を教えて下さい! 当日払いで2000円だそうです!

I really wanted to attend this, but I have important rehearsals for our musical and simply cannot get away tomorrow. If you live in the Tokyo area and have some time, please do attend and then let me know your impressions. Tickets are 2,000 yen at the door.


Incidentally, I have not yet actually met either of these gentlemen in person, and I did not get their advance permission to advertise this event.